Standoff 2 – game review for android

Standoff 2 is an action and fun first-person shooter game. The product is beautiful in every way. The game offers a variety of weapons, including the legendary AK-47 assault rifle and Desert Eagle pistol. But on top of all that and several aspects of multiplayer modes, it includes a single-player version in which you can face off against all AI-driven enemies.


The game equally allows you to choose between terrorists or counter-terrorists, just like Counter Strike. It’s a full multiplayer online product. It can be downloaded and installed on an Android mobile device at around 152MB. It’s also handy for lower level devices.

Standoff 2 is a really fantastic action game. It has a lot of basic components. Since the game simply gives you the opportunity to simply change your own level of game design, even the smallest sights on it are available to redo depending on your desire to move on to the latest installment.

The product was released on 10 October 2017. Talking about the visibility aspect of the game, it has a total of around 5 million downloads. It was created by developers Axebolt, who are also the developers of other fantasy action products such as multiplayer Attack Forward, Modern Combat Five, Deadlocks, Scribble Army 2, etc.


The gameplay aspect is fantastic. During the game, you can choose the region you want to play in. There are three unique regions: the countries of Europe, USA and Asia. All of them will be presented in shades. The green side means the player is ready, and inertia will be as low as could be expected.

You also simply have to go deeper and further into the area, as complete flexibility is given to customise your catchesi positions. What’s more, the Standoff 2 game will lack a privilege management system. Thus, the overall aspect of the game is simply to complete its missions.

Standoff 2 game for Android smartphones


The graphics are really good overall, and there are quite a few definite things about it. It seems nice and well done. The environmental design is really stunning.

The few downsides to the game are, firstly, the slick character design. The game characters do move smoothly. Also, their models are good and the textures aren’t too blurry. The blood is very realistic, it splashes around and stays until the end of the game. The only bad thing is that there are quite a few graphical glitches and some cutscene issues.


The sound is also good, just like the effects. It plays back in the standard way as expected. All sound effects are great and sound very realistic. The voices of the dying and the bodies of the enemies are worked out brilliantly.

The soundtrack isn’t really all there, but usually adds to the enjoyable experience. The voice acting is moderate at best, but can be enhanced most of the time.