League of Legends: Wild Rift review

League of Legends was originally launched in 2009. In it, players participate in 5 on 5 matches on a map with three separate tracks and jungle. The main objective is to break through enemy towers to their nexus and destroy it. The mobile version is easier for beginners than its big brother for PC.


Wild Rift has plenty of strategic elements and nuances to understand. The map is split into Baron Lane, Mid Lane, Dragon Lane and Jungle Lane. The Baron lane is usually where you can find roughnecks or someone with their own survivability. The middle lane is left for mages and assassins as it is the shortest in length, giving them the opportunity to disable their tower or move to other lanes to help.

Foresters are usually a hybrid of damage, survivability and escape. Their goal is to become stronger by killing monsters, destroying enemies and capturing targets. The dragon line has ADC (attack damage transfer) and support. These two depend on each other for survival and can become vital to victory at the end of the game. At the moment monjo choose from just over 60 champions, and each has a specific role to play.

If one is familiar with any competitive online multiplayer game, there is always a certain meta that dominates certain matches. At the moment, tanks are insanely strong, and that’s mainly because there aren’t many champions or items that can handle them properly. Games can be won or lost in draft choices and how the squad is formed.


As this is a mobile game, matches usually last between 20 and 25 minutes. Damage figures, stats and even HP of champions vary to speed things up. There’s a landing phase where you have to carefully farm minions (or jungle monsters for foresters) to earn gold used to buy items.

The minions’ health bar turns white, indicating that you can properly hit them one last time and get the maximum amount of gold by killing them. If you don’t kill one, the player still gets less gold. But if there is an opportunity to kill an enemy leiner, you need to take it.

Gameplay of the android version of League of Legends: Wild Rift


The controls are joystick based and fairly easy to use. Every player in Wild Rift usually feels the same as in the PC version. ADC is too easy to play, as it’s almost like a first-person shooter. In any case, the right mechanics and understanding of how the game should evolve will make the biggest difference.

Players also don’t need to worry about any pay-to-win options. Everyone is strong enough if they know how to play it. Wild Rift also gives plenty of opportunities to earn in-game currency and rewards to unlock champions. Players even get a few free skins as they level up.

Once they reach level 10, they unlock a ranked mode where they can battle opponents of similar skill levels to move up the Riot leaderboards. If gold is amassed at the end of the season, players will be rewarded with a special skin for a particular champion.

Toxicity is present in almost every competitive game, and League of Legends: Wild Rift is no exception. People will yell at each other a lot in chat or banter with the enemy team. If you want to win and be able to concentrate, it is advisable to abstract it away at the start of the game.